通常、地位の高い人になればなるほど 外からの電話を秘書などが厳しくスクリーンするもの。そして 例文のように May I ask who is calling? などと聞いて来るものです。もし、相手の方が自分の電話を待っている時などは 自分の名前と会社名を告げて he is expecting me などと言うとすぐに電話をつないでくれるはずだ。メッセージを承りましょうか? それとも 折り返し お電話させましょうか?という決まり文句は 例文の May I take your message, or have him call you back? という言い方は 良くなされるものだ。また、get back to ... は 後でまた おかけしますという意味である。
なお、ASAP は As Soon As Possible の省略形でお 話で hold on というのは しばらくお待ち下さいということだが、秘書や電話交換の人たちは 話中に 他の電話を良く取るので 例文のように話を一時中断し、別の電話に出ることもあるでしょう。
• I am sorry, but may I ask who you are with - I mean your company name?
• Yes, this is John Sanders and I am with XYZ, Inc.
• Mr. Sanders, Mr. Suzuki is out of office, but should be back by one o'clock. May I take your message, or have him call you back?
• Well, as a matter of fact it is urgent matter and I need to talk to him ASAP. It turns out that we've encountered some unexpected technical issues that are slowing down our progress. I need to ask him to check the project schedule and availability of resources.
• Hold on sir. ABC Corporation, Mr. Suzuki's office, please hold. All right sir. Then, I will just let him know that you called, and tell him that you need to talk to him ASAP due to the unexpected technical issues and possible schedule delay.
• Thank you. I appreciate your assistance. I will call you later, but please have him call me back upon his return to the office.